Monday, May 17, 2010

In the Navy

It seems like all I have is major news lately, apart from finding crazy tshirts I like. So I'll get right to the point: Kevin is joining the Navy!

Talk of this first came about mid-January after visiting my family in Houston. My cousin Sam recently finished his service in the Army, and he and Kevin had an opportunity to talk about it while we were down there. Economic times being what they are, the military affords a certain degree of financial stability along with health benefits, educational benefits, and of course....fringe benefits, such as travel.

Since I'm mid-way through a career change and Kevin was looking for one as well, and this idea presented itself....well, here we are! Kevin did amazing on his entrance exam, missing only one question. We did have a bit of a hitch - which was oddly enough...Kevin's flat feet.


Now, you couldn't have paid me to believe that this might be an issue. It's something I only thought mattered circa WWII, but apparently it still matters! Luckily after much ado, he was able to get a waiver that allowed him to join. He's decided to look into the nuclear program, but he won't have his official job assignment until later this month - when he'll also find out when he's leaving for basic training in Elgin, Illinois. After basic, he'll be attending school and then we'll find out where we're headed. Kevin and I have already decided to request all locations outside of the United States, but ultimately plan on moving back once he has finished with his military service.

Needless to say there are several details yet to be decided, but I'll be sure to update everyone as soon as I have them! I know that all-in-all, this announcement may come as a bit of a shock - but it's been well thought out and we feel like this will give our family a certain degree of stability that it lacked before. We are well aware of the risks associated, but look forward to our new (and definitely more mobile) life! Thanks to all of you who have shown your support. More details as the story unfolds!