Monday, November 22, 2010

Tapir Caper: a mini post

The other day I was watching Dora the Explorer. I was with my daughter, okay? Quit looking at me like that. Though I have been known to watch Spongebob by myself, I have yet to get to watching Dora by myself. I've already resigned myself to the fact that I will never learn Spanish, or Spanitch as I call it, and therefore I pay little attention to what's going on in that show.

So anyway, they happened to showcase a particular animal on Dora. Wait, Diego. Yep, it was that Diego show. Diego is Dora's cousin that saves animals. Why do I know this?! Whatever. They both try to teach Spanitch so they're essentially the same. So ANYWAY on Diego their animal that they're supposed to be saving is a tapir. AND HOLY CRAP HOW MUCH DO I LOVE TAPIRS?! So much, y'all!!!

Holy Mother of God, is that not the most bizarre looking thing? Look at that proboscis!! And weird ungulate feet!!!

So basically what happened was that I got on google image search, and just started looking at tapirs, as you can see. Then, I came across this image. I've written you a caption so you can tell what he's saying - in case there was any confusion.


So yeah, I laughed a lot at that. I'm still laughing at that, actually. And as I continued to peruse more pictures, I stopped short. In shock. THERE IS A TAPIR CALLED Baird's Tapir!!!!

I really wanted to create a caption for that, and believe me, I have one in my head. It doesn't translate well to internet paper though, as it involves a weird sequence of meeps. However, if you approach me curiously wondering what the meep sequence is, I will gladly oblige.

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