Tuesday, June 1, 2010

A Million Different Possibilities

Life is so up in the air. I think maybe it is in general at this age - and maybe (I hope) there's an age set in place at which things tend to calm down. Kevin and I are very excited for the next few years, but there's an old adage we're living by right now that the military itself regularly tells us, which is "hurry up and wait." We've made a huge decision, and now we're ready to get the ball rolling! Snap snap! I, by nature, am a very impatient person. I will readily admit this! But all I can think about is my plaguing desire to have dates down on my mental calendar. When will Kevin be leaving? What job will he end up getting assigned? Where will he attend school? Where will we be stationed? Where does planning for baby #2 fit into this equation? So many questions.

That being said, I think now is the best time for me to exercise patience - for mine will most certainly be tried for a lengthy amount of time. If anyone can make it through this though, I know it will be us!

However, wishing to satiate my longing to find out what life will be like for the next several years, I set out looking for a blog for wives who have enlisted husbands. I thought perhaps I could better prepare myself for what to expect at certain ports, get some cultural tips, heck... maybe even just get a list of military acronyms! Most of all though, I wanted to find a blog by a girl close to my age that has a positive outlook on what can be a very difficult journey. I searched...a lot...and came up dry. Still searching.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Mary! I was very excited to find your blog. Can't wait to keep up with your adventure. Sloan's uncle was in the air force, and his family was stationed in germany for 5 years and loved ever minute of it! In fact, that was 25 years ago, and they still go back every few years to visit friends.
