Saturday, July 10, 2010

Sane, rational and perfectly normal things by: Peanut Gallery

I found a piece of paper in my storage unit, not long ago, that I filled out when I was in kindergarten. It's on my mind today - making me ponder my priorities. Also, making me think I was considerably cooler (by today's standards) then, than I am...well, today. Remember, I'm like...five.

List -

Name: Mary Catherine

Favorite food: Sushi

Favorite toys: Robots

Favorite color: Orange

What do you want to be when you grow up? Artist

So lets recap, my life that I envisioned myself having now when I was little -

Priorities: Sushi and robots and orange things.

Occupation: Artist.

Not too shabby, little Mary! I think about myself making my orange robot/sushi art, and it sounds like a thrilling lifestyle.

Second item found in storage unit:

Drawings made by me, and captioned by my mother (as narrated by me). Age? 3. I didn't take a picture, so I'll just have to describe it to you.

There are two strange looking creatures (who are apparently supposed to be human girls) that are behind bars.

Mom's caption: "Two girls in prison, wrongfully accused, they are sad."

Next picture, the two girls are still looking sad, and there's now another girl in the picture.

Mom's caption: "Another prisoner sets them free."

All three girls with happy faces are now standing next to each other.

Mom's caption: "Now they are friends."

Any of you who were like, "what's the deal with this Mary girl? Why is she so weird?" Well apparently I've been this way since childhood. And if you have spent any time with my parents at all, I never had a chance. So by the time age 4 hit and I became best friends with Lainey and Alison - well, then I was thereby doomed to weirdness. So until I have some Navy news, I think maybe I'll just do blog posts of random things I find in my storage unit. Enjoy...

post script,

Strongly considering opening art gallery called Orange Robot Sushi

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