Thursday, November 4, 2010

The Magical Lewyt

Ah, the 1920s-1950s. Wasn’t that a grand place in history? I certainly miss it, or I would if I had actually been alive during it. Yes, yes, I realize this was the Dust Bowl Era in the Panhandle. And obviously the Great Depression is not something that most people want to live through. But seriously, time periods like those are the ones in which people are born that change the world because of the perseverance they have to have in order to survive. Take Woody Guthrie, for example. I can think of no better person to illustrate my point than ole Woody. Such an invaluable piece of American history, that man.

I see pictures in the Amarillo Globe News of that era that just fascinate me. Times were just simpler, and simplicity is something I cannot help but craving in this filthy time that you and I are tragically stuck in. Teaming with blogs, facebook and nearing the edge of a precipice into bizarre “technological advances” such as cell phone microchip brain implantation. These were once the things that only science fiction was made of… now teetering on being a reality.

Don’t believe me? Check this article out.

Yes I know I have a blog, a facebook page and a cell phone. But if an opportunity arose where I could completely disconnect, I think I would. It’s just that when things of this nature become the standard for everyone, one is forced to conform.

Tangent complete.

The reason for my now completed tangent, is that something from my aforementioned era of greatness surfaced the other day - and caused me quite a bit of confusion.

Now as you all well know, the sashaying conga line of freakishness that is my family never ceases to amaze me. I regularly share a silent chuckle with myself at their expense, and did so with extreme fervor the other day when my uncle Bill posted this picture to facebook.

What is that? A giant toaster? Wait... I see attachments... is that a vacuum?? Then I notice uncle Bill’s caption which read, “Vintage 1950s Lewyt canister, it was the family vacuum for most of our childhood.”

Back up. The family vacuum? Come on now - what is this thing, a dog? And furthermore, let me explain something you that may not be immediately obvious about this picture. In my mind, this is what was needed order for this picture to have happened:

Uncle Bill: Oh my God, this vacuum, I love it. Would you please take a picture of me and the vacuum?

Person taking picture: Uh, yeah, I guess.

Can you believe that? Then he gets the vacuum, and hoists it up onto his lap. Because clearly it’s not enough that he’s near it, it’s actually lap-worthy.

Uncle Bill: Oh wait! I forgot about the (freakishly long) attachments; let me hold it up so everyone can get the full scale accurate representation of the majesty that is this vacuum.

Person taking picture: Oh yes, it is important that they get the full blown majesty.

By now I’m thinking, “oh wow this is just silliness." And fortunately for me, the next day following my viewing of this interesting picture, I’ve planned to eat lunch with my father – and thus will be able to regale him with the silliness. Then I read this little gem that my aunt posts on the picture, and it only adds to my little gossip bag that I can’t wait to tell my very pragmatic father.

Aunt Mary: The Lewyt was special to me because I can remember how much fun it was to sit on it while Mom vacuumed. It made a great toddler chariot!


Next day. Father, at lunch time. I begin to tell him.

Me: Hey dad, uncle Bill posted the funniest thing to facebook the other day. It was this picture of a vacuum, and… (before I can even begin to describe this image...)

Dad: THE LOOT! LOOT!!! Was it the LOOT?!

Me: Uh, yes. Is that how you say it? You say Lewyt like LOOT?

Dad: Yes! ...... (wistful sigh)

Me: So um, what is the deal with this vacuum? It seems like you, uncle Bill and aunt Mary all have this magical tie to it…

Dad: It holds a very special place in our hearts.

So in closing, my family actually has a physical place in their hearts (specifically under the superior vena cava, to the bottom left of the right atruim and next to the tricuspid valve) in which they keep a vintage 1950s Lewyt (LOOT!) Canister.

What is my life.

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