Friday, October 22, 2010


As you all may know, except for the relatively new readers, occasionally I will post extremely boring, dry and lengthy updates on what's going on in la vida Mary. Apologizes in advance for one of these segments which I would now like to call: MIASMA UPDATE WITH MARY BAIRD

Mary? What's a miasma?

Well little ones, it's noxious exhalations from putrescent organic matter; poisonous effluvia or germs polluting the atmosphere.

I like to refer to my life as "the miasma" because life, in general, twists and turns and puts you through some pretty bizarre trials. Beautiful noxious gas.

Besides, when would I otherwise get to use that word in my day-to-day routine? And furthermore, can you imagine what people would say if I had to explain this word by any other medium than my blog? When you read it, it's pretty funny. But talking about it in regular conversation? Please, like I need another excuse for people to think I'm a freak show.

This is me in a homemade fat suit with Lisa at a "pretty in pink" party circa 2006. I rest my case.


So several months ago Kevin decided he was going to go into the Navy. Right around the same time, I was diagnosed with epilepsy and as a result couldn't drive for six months, and now again I can't drive for yet another six due to further issues with it. So basically Kevin and I jointly decided to scrap plan Navy because it just wouldn't be wise for him to leave for great lengths of time in case anything happened that affected my ability to drive, etc. We were pretty disappointed by this, because we were both excited at the plethora of opportunity the military offers. But life goes on.

So a new plan was devised! This is: plan school.

Kevin and I are both planning to go to school starting in August at Sul Ross, which is a small university in Alpine, Texas, right near Big Bend National Park. Sul Ross was a famous Texas Ranger and was the 19th governor of Texas, which is why they named the school after him. It was also called "possibly the most underrated little university west of the Mississippi" by CBS's Dan Rather. Neat!

My parents used to have a house in Alpine, and that's how I heard of it. Sul Ross is part of the Texas State University system, along with Sam Houston State and Lamar State, but it's by far the smallest. I believe the student population is less than 3,000. I understand why - it's a really small town that is in the middle of nowhere. But I love the town!!

It's settled right in the middle of the Davis Mountains. I would be so grateful to get out of this allergy infested humid Austin air into a dry air desert shrub climate.

Logistics on this is that my job will end mid-April at Foundation Communities. I'm contracted by the government for a year, so unfortunately all good things must come to an end. I'm going to furiously cry at the end, I just know it. I've really loved my time there and the people I work with are nothing less than fabulous. Tear. So needless to say, I have been racking my brain trying to figure out what I would do (Find another job? Take some time off?) when the time comes, and this seems like the best fit.

I really like the idea of going away to school, too, because I know that if I stayed here and went back to Texas State I would find excuses not to go because of my transportation issues. Texas State is in San Marcos and I feel like the job opportunities are too limited there - and so we would live in Austin, and thus begins the cycle of putting it off. Of course all plans are subject to change, but this is where we think we're headed for now.

This has been your miasma update.

Oh before I forget - check this link (click the word link) out. It's some attractions in the area that might entice you to come visit!

Thank you, and goodnight.

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